A flooring system which can resist thermal shock and chemicals Stonhard provided a hygienic flooring solution for a Mozzarella production facility


Products used for Szarvasi Mozzarella Kft, Hungary: Stonclad ® UTStonclad ® UR Stonkote ® HT4


Szarvasi Mozzarella is an Italian cheese producer in Hungary. The company is placed in the south of Hungary, close to the city of Békéscsaba. In 1992 an Italian investor was looking for a partner in Hungary who could help him to build a factory to produce the well-known Italian cheese – mozzarella. Mr. Miklos Rohony took the opportunity and after a few years he established his own company: Szarvasi Mozzarella Kft., which is now one of the best-known mozzarella cheese producers in the country.


Understanding the customers’ needs is a critical component to a Stonhard flooring solution. Szarvasi needed a flooring solution for a wet environment in which a neutralization machine uses heavy cleaners to neutralize and sanitize the floor. Szarvasi had low confidence in resin flooring solutions after experiencing failures in this environment firsthand. Stonhard offered Stonclad UT, a cementitious urethane mortar, which can withstand thermal shock and has a textured for slip resistance.Stonclad UR was used to create a seamless, integral cove base to provide a durable, safe, and sanitary solution.


It is critical that resin flooring is applied to a substrate that is sound and well-prepared. This creates proper adhesion and allows the resin to achieve its full performance characteristics.The previous flooring was removed entirely down to the concrete using scarifying and diamond grinding. After proper preparation, the Stonhard installation team installed the Stonclad UR cove base followed by the Stonclad UT flooring system. The Stonhard installation team was able to deliver a professional and successful solution despite some challenges involving working around equipment and piping.


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