Out of This World Flooring For NASA Cleanrooms

Stonhard has provided a “world class” easily de-contaminable floor, wall and ceiling coating system for NASA in their state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities at the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science division, at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, USA.


These cleanrooms are being used to study the rare asteroid samples collected by the OSIRIS-REx mission at the end of 2023.


NASA built two ISO Class 5 cleanroom laboratory suites for sample return missions, as well as new cleanroom facilities for curation precision cleaning and advanced curation work.


The independent US agency responsible for the civil space programme had to carefully select cleanroom construction materials that would not hinder the scientific search for amino acids and the study of organics in the samples.


Materials needed to have low particulate shedding and outgassing properties along with good mechanical characteristics for cleanability, chemical resistance, and minimising electrostatic charges (e.g., conductive flooring).



Above: High-performance epoxy flooring for precision cleaning and advanced curation work at NASA


When NASA tested materials for its cleanroom laboratory suites its findings showed Stonchem 441, Stonhard's 100% solid polyurethane hybrid lining system, provided the lowest outgassing (ASTM E-595) results of any floor.


Outgassing is a concern for any electronic equipment intended for use in high-vacuum environments. It refers to the release of gas trapped within a solid, such as a high-frequency circuit-board material. The effects of outgassing can impact a wide range of application areas in electronics, from satellites and space-related equipment to medical systems.


Stonhard’s Stonchem  441 coating and lining system was as a fully encapsulating polyurea material was chosen as the most suitable material for this very important and sensitive installation. This immersion grade coating and lining system provides a durable, flexible, waterproof membrane that can withstand significant impact and abrasion.


 Contact us, for more information.


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